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Mediumship, Spiritual Healing, Clinical Hypnoterapy

What are Arts of the Spirit: Services


Spiritualism is a life philosophy open to all faiths. Spiritualists accept that life continues after death and that each one of us is spirit temporarily in bodies in order to progress through earthly life as a school. We will return to the spiritual energies with the knowledge of our experiences once we shed the physical bodies. Spiritualism, unlike other beliefs does not guide through rules and regulation and does not have a book to follow. Instead, Spiritualism provides evidence through direct communication with the ones in spirit.
Esi is a Mental Medium and uses clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience - in other words, she ‘hears’, ‘sees’ and ‘senses’ information from spirit. She is also a physical medium, sketching portraits of people in spirit as a further evidence of survival after death.
Spiritualism states that we should all take responsibility for our own lives. Esi aims to encourage this concept of self responsibility during her demonstrations and consultations.


Esi is a Spiritual Healer accredited to The Corinthian Church and Healing Association (CCHA). 

Spiritual Healing is channeled from the highest energies and works with the body at all levels; mind, body and spirit. Spiritual healing is gently received by the body and the healing is taken up where it is needed. Spiritual Healing is complimentary to traditional medicine and has no side effects.

This treatment may be given hands on, hands off or over a distance and lasts between 10-20 minutes according to the needs of the recipient. Distant healing is sent to an individual who is not present in person at a mutually agreed time. 
Esi also gives Spiritual Healing by laying hands on or distant healing to pets if requested.


Esi is a member of the General Hypnotherapy Register GHR (UK) and the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council GHSC (UK), and abides by the code of ethics of these organisations.

Hypnotherapy is a focused relaxation of mind and body in order help you to bring positive changes into your life. Hypnotherapy brings benefits in many areas of your life.
•   Weight Loss
•   Smoking Cessation   
•   Panic Attacks/ Fears
•   Lack of Confidence/ Concentration
•   Anger/ Depression/ Anxiety
•   Age Regression
•   Relationship problems
•   Children and Teenager problems
•   Pain/ Stress management
•   Enhancing sports/ academic performance


Esi is an experienced Past Life Regression Therapist and can help you to access the memories of your previous lives in order to identify some of the themes that you chose to work on in this life time.


The contents of this website are for informational purposes only. Information on these pages or communicated with Spirit during private sittings are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider if you have any question regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, dietary supplement, exercise, or other health program.

©2018 by Esi Cakmakcioglu

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