Experiences with the Spirit

A friend of mine, with whom I had lunch on the 5th of February and whom didn’t know much about my family, called me few days later to tell me about a spiritual experience she had. She also told me that it was about me and that she had a message for me, which she wants to pass on, without further delay.
Having attended to your demonstrations in a spiritual church on the 5TH of February, just after we had lunch, she recognised one of your drawings to be of myself. From the details given by you to my friend, I immediately recognised the person in question to be my recently deceased grandmother. The resemblance of the drawing was incredible and even had the hair band I wore the day I had lunch with my fiend.
The message she has passed on from my grandmother and the timing was so significant and meaningful for me that I couldn’t be more thankful to both you and my friend. The relief I got from grasping the idea that life after death do exist and knowing that I am not alone, my loving grandmother is my guardian angle watching over me is priceless.
This extraordinary experience has allowed me to open a whole new chapter in my life and healing. I can not thank you enough and tell you how grateful I am you to Esi and to this life changing experience.
N.U.S.- London, UK. June 1, 2019

Sevda Ramadan Velidedeoglu- London, UK (Jan.12.2015)
I was introduced to Esi through a mutual friend a few years ago. I knew that she communicated with the Spirit but did not think much about the subject until I became seriously ill. Until my illness I led what I considered to be a healthy life style. Towards the end of 2013, I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and was told that it also metastasised in the liver. News was a shock for the whole family.
It was around this time that I saw Esi at a conference. She offered to put her hands on me. Since that day and over the course of the last year Esi’s healing hand continues to guide and protect me. I know that when Esi reads this she will tell me off and say that I fought with my illness myself but she was the one who gave me the will to succeed. She worked with me throughout my illness. I had a series of hypnotherapy sessions with Esi, some of which were recorded as audios. I listened to these in the evenings to help boost my healing. These gave me the self-belief and understanding of the strength within me which I could tap into. I also received communication from my beloved late father. Esi and my father were with me in all my chemotherapy sessions. His encouraging messages were all borne out by the good scan results.
Esi gave me the strength to fight and not to give up. Through her guidance I learnt that good health is three dimensional; the combination of physical, mental and spiritual. I look at life differently now. I try to live everyday to the full, taking as much joy from each moment as possible. I have learnt the importance of meditation. The 10-15 minutes of tranquility and listening to my body enables me to be guided by my spirit. Most importantly I am learning to love myself. Through Esi I am able to feel closer to my loved ones who have departed over the years. My father is always with me. I feel his help and positive energy.
As far as the cancer is concerned I have had all the necessary medical treatments. The latest tests show no trace of cancer in my body. In other words I am here for many more years to come. I have resumed my normal life and gone back to work, with one exception I enjoy life a lot more, I am happy and I am grateful. One warning Esi can create dependency. You can miss her positivity and compassion. From time to time she can also alternate between being hard and soft. Dearest Esi, thank goodness you are here, you lit up my life in my darkest hours. May the road you travel always be full of light.
Sevda Ramadan Velidedeoglu- London, UK (Jan.12.2015)

Arianna F.- London, UK (July 7.2014)
The portrait was of a young man, tall, long limbs who passed away in his late 20s. I recognised him..he has something similar to an old friend of mine, who came to me years ago in a spiritual centre in Hyde Park Corner….it was my first message ever from spirit world. His name is Lucio. Tall skinny, more beautiful then the portrait (like you said), passed when he was 29....almost 20 years ago. The message he wanted to deliver was for someone in the family…someone who has problem with his lungs...problems breathing. He takes the cigarette and throws it away. It means he wants to tell this person to stop smoking. He also wanted to say to believe in the spiritual world because it will help him to get better and heal. He has to believe because spirits have been trying to communicate before.
Well, I passed this message to my friend, the brother of Lucio....he confirmed everything....there was no way I could have known this…. Apparently he has been coughing a lot recently. He had a pain in his lungs. He has been smoking more then usual and he cannot stop. His partner has been very worried about him and she has been trying to convince him to go to get checked. On Saturday he was having a shower after work; he coughed and some blood came out of his mouth....he thought it was coming from his gums...but when he coughed again ....more blood. The message was definitely for him. He really appreciated this message and he thanked me and thanked you. He asked me to give you a big hug from him. Regarding spirituality...he told me he recently had a dream about his father in spirit and he was smiling and happy...and when he woke up he was very relieved and in peace with himself. He thinks that was a message too. I send your the photo of Lucio....when he was healthy....and after two years of chemo for Leukaemia which killed him. This is an amazing story Esi. You are amazing.
Arianna F.- London, UK (July 7.2014)

Toju Sapele Joe- London, UK (28.6.2014)
Dear Esi
I hope you are well. I got some time to write this morning at work and I would like to tell you about your last demonstration.
You did the portrait of a man with afro hair, moustache and a tie. My father had afro hair, always had moustache and a tie. You were doing a movement with your shoulder...almost trying to imitate his way of walking, keeping his head up… He used to do that all the time...lifting up his shoulder. You said that you didn't feel he was my father but more like an uncle. I had the same feeling.because my father left my mom when I was 15 and he started a new family with another young woman and had other kids.
You said that he had a lot of responsibilities and he says that wished he could have taken a different role in his life but he was in few difficult circumstances. The young woman left him...and he ended up alone.
You mentioned that this man had an operation around his stomach that caused him problem with his walking which was also true. You mention that someone in the family broke their arm. He broke my mom's wrist when they were still together.
I do not have very many pictures of him and I went through some old pictures but they were very small....but maybe you would be interested to see the resemblance.
Toju S.- London, UK (28.6.2014)

Deniz I.- Bursa, Turkey (Oct. 22, 2013)
Dearest Esi
I received your e-mail. I could not thank you enough. You brought me, and through me my family who had been in mourning, into a different dimension, healed our wound and showed us the biggest truth of this universe along with such evidence.
I do not know you but I had the intense feeling that I had known for years as you made me feel blessed and secure.
Your gift is magnificent….. Please let me know next time you visit Turkey; where ever Izmir, Bursa, Istanbul- I definitely would like to bring my mother with me.
I will follow and research more about the Spiritualism of which I was shown the very first first sparks through you, I do hope our roads cross again.
Be with love my dearest graceful Esi.”
Deniz I.- Bursa, Turkey (Oct. 22, 2013)

Emel Başdoğan- Istanbul, Turkey (Sept. 16, 2013)
Dear Esi
Your talk at the Bilgi Paylasim was an 'eye opener' for me. The personal experiences that you shared with us gave me a new perspective on life. This provided me with the strength to keep myself on the right track or find my way back each time I felt I lost it.
Especially the new perspective mentioned in your talks about the 'contracts' souls do with each other before encarnation has become a compas for me since that day.
Those contracts which we do not ‘re-member’ once we are on earth... As we try to explain the everyday life reality without considering the fact that a certain contract is currant most of the time we remain without explications.
That new understanding enabled me to be more flexible, forgiving and to accept and love unconditionally without blaming.
I thank you, with love
Emel Başdoğan- Istanbul, Turkey (Sept. 16, 2013)

Arianna F.- London, UK (June 6, 2013)
The first time I met Esi was during a demonstration at Clapham Spiritualist Church. Esi has just started to draw the portrait of a man, and I immediately thought of my uncle who is still alive, but I preferred to wait for more information before I identified him as my uncle.
Esi then finished the portrait and described the character of the man. Everything matched the reality; but when Esi even said the name, Robert, I no longer had any doubt that I was witnessing one of the most touching, exciting, real and deep experience of my life.
Esi then described the communicating spirit that had led her to make that drawing , and unequivocally described my grandmother; my uncle's mother and she also gave the first two letters of her name. The message that my grandmother wanted to give to her son was a message of apology for not having shown enough affection during her life; for been having too many restrictions and being distant.
Another message was to reconsider and rethink about a decision taken, a message that had not a strong meaning for me but had for my uncle when I talked to him. Me and my family we were simply enchanted by the accuracy and clarity of messages that have been delivered to us.
Knowing Esi was a wonderful gift and I thank her to helping us reminding us that our loved ones will never leave us. An incredible emotional experience. Thank you.
Arianna F.- London, UK (June 6, 2013)

Alina Khama-Nyane - London, UK (Jan. 7, 2013)
Dear Esi, I trust you are well.
I just wanted to convey my heartfelt gratitude for all the amazing evidence you have demonstrated with your psychic art.
I have personal portraits drawn by you at various churches with outstanding messages which have given me strength, during rather challenging times.
Thanks very much.
Kind regards
Alina Khama-Nyane - London, UK (Jan. 7, 2013)

Ceren Turkaslan- Ankara, Turkey (Jan. 11, 2013)
The message we received from my recently deceased father was the most incredible and compelling experience that anyone could have.
To contact my dear father through Esi was very special.... Similarly it was equally special to get to know Esi through my father.
Although most people around me would feel rather uncomfortable with anything spiritual, I was quite amenable, and having met Esi, and having had the experience, I am ensured that there is no reason to waver.
In my view, it is a unique experience that has to be lived/witnessed by anyone who misses their loved ones they lost.
Dear Esi, I give you my boundless love and thanks for this.
Ceren Turkaslan- Ankara, Turkey (Jan. 11, 2013)

Meltem Erbaşı- Istanbul, Turkey (Jan. 19, 2011)
It has been the most emotional experience I ever had in my life. You have given me the feeling of being with my grandmother face to face.
Everything you said were of my memories of her and the expressions she used. It was such an experience that I even find it difficult to put into words.
Thanks for everything...
Meltem Erbaşı- Istanbul, Turkey (Jan. 19, 2011)

S. Platch- Munich, Germany (Nov. 28, 2010)
The pain that I have been suffering from since May 2009 did not improve with the physiotherapy and the acupuncture treatments I received. In fact, the pain continued to increase. I then had a MR scan performed on 16 September 2009 and I was confused by the test result. The radiologist has sent a report to my GP saying he was suspecting of bone metastases. I immediately requested a full body PET CT scan but the earliest appointment could only be given for the following week. The same evening I called Esi to share my confusion with her and asked her if she could help me with the pain. She told me to sit in a quiet room at 11 o’clock at night for the next few days and that she would be sending me distant healing.
The very first session was impressive and for the first time in weeks I had much less pain and slept peacefully. Esi continued sending me distant healing for the next few days. She then sent a message saying her guides informed her that there is metal in my body. She suggested that I have it investigated, may be, by having a strand of my hair analyzed. She was also told that I should not worry because my illness is not what I was told. I was surprised with her message. I told her that I was involved in a traffic accident when I was young and I now have a metal plate and crews on my scalp. The other news of not having the suspected metastases on my bones uplifted my spirit but as strongly suggested by Esi I still went ahead with the medical investigations.
Esi kept her contact until the appointment date for the PET CT scan and I had much less pain during this time. The test result showed that I did not have cancer and my pain was due to some infection on my bones. It has been over a year since I received the distant healing from Esi. My pain, although much less, is still continuing regardless of the medical treatment I have been given. It is only recently that I found out about Esi’s web page and wanted to contribute my own experience with her. I now plan to visit her in London and hope to have some contact healing.
S. Platch- Munich, Germany (Nov. 28, 2010)

Angela John- London, UK (Oct. 18, 2010)
I did the 11am Sunday service at Wimbledon Spiritualist Church on 17 October 2010. One of the drawings was recognised by a young lady. She said it was her father's portrait and her father is still alive. A gentleman was communicating and sent her father a message. I later received this e-mail from her and include it here with her permission:
Dear Esi
I am thrilled to be able to write to you tonight after you gave me a lovely picture and some evidence which has since been clarified by my father tonight!
You told me about a 'Malcolm'. I was not sure about this so I asked my father. Apparently Malcolm was my father's best friend when he was a very small boy, living in Portsmouth ( 1946) . My father was sad when Malcolm and his family moved away to a new town. It just so happened that this friday 15th Octber 2010 my father was driving through Baldock and thought of his friend as this was the town that he had apparently moved to all those years ago!
My father was so happy to hear what I could tell him via your message so I am very grateful for the joy you could bring from spirit.
Kind regards
Angela John- London, UK (Oct. 18, 2010)

Erendiz Timuroğlu- İstanbul,
Turkey (June 6, 2010)
I had few sittings with Esi and in most of them my grandmother was the person communicated.
I immediately recognised the portrait when it was drawn. Later I could find only one photograph of her and the resemblance was striking. The interesting thing was the manner of her talking, her accent and the words she used.
There is no one else in the family who does use these words. Such strong evidence was given that I now believe in afterlife without shadow of any doubt. Each time we had a sitting my convinction only became stronger.
Erendiz Timuroğlu- İstanbul, Turkey (June 6, 2010)

M. Abboushi- Ankara (Feb. 26, 2010)
In our world with hardened materialistic values, whenever I want to incite some spiritual awareness to the people around me, I tell them the story of my experience with Esi.
I met Esi several years ago through a mutual friend. She knew nothing about my life, and a few hours after we met, she offered to make a drawing for me. The drawing that she did, and the message she conveyed, which was given in a ‘shy’, ‘hesitant’, ‘reluctant’ manner were most amazing. The outcome was a portrait of my father in his youth.
At that time, I was in my late 50's and had almost no contact with my father all through my life. He had been away from me when I was a small child and I only met him few times when I was in my 20's and 30's. I hardly had any conversation with him during his life, and had never seen him as in the drawing; but in my album, I had a small photo of him, almost exactly as what Esi drew.
Since Esi lives in the UK and I in Turkey, we don’t meet often. During our next meeting, a social gathering with lots of people, Esi felt some soul was trying to communicate with her and related to me. This time a loving aunt had contacted, just to say hello to me.
M. Abboushi- Ankara (Feb. 26, 2010)

Lindsley Cash- London, UK (Apr. 4. 2007)
I have had the pleasure of working with Esi quite a few times demonstrating our very different skills to receptive audiences.
I work as a channeling medium whilst Esi works as a psychic artist. Together we have given some excellent evidence.
Esi's drawings in particular have delighted audiences and individuals who have received her pictures.
She has drawn an extremely good likeness of my father and I was pleased to give her a picture of my father to add to her portfolio.
Psychic artistry is a wonderful skill to prove evidence of survival and I am sure any audience will be amazed and thrilled to have their loved ones drawn.
Lindsley Cash- London, UK (Apr. 4. 2007)

Pamela Carvel- New York (Oct. 15, 2006)
Esi is one of the most unusual spiritual mediums I have ever watched demonstrated the survival of life. Her evidence is more than information. Esi produces portraits from spirit that often are the exact likeness of a photograph of the person.
On evening while Esi was observing another medium’s demonstration she was moved to do a drawing that she showed me after the demonstration. I did not receive a message during the demonstration. Esi was independently impressed with the likeness in the drawing. The likeness was that of my Chinese calligraphy teacher, Professor Young (Yang) with whom I had worked for over 20 years. I recognized the image immediately.
Esi asked me to find a photograph, but I knew I had very few photos of Professor Young. Nonetheless, I went home and looked for a photo. Much to my surprise, the only photo I could find was of a class calligraphy exhibition for the Double Ten (+ +) celebration in New York’s Chinatown. It was a photo of Professor Young in between another student and me. Much to my surprise, that photo of Professor Young matched the drawing almost exactly.
Esi has a unique talent and ability that is rarely seen even among practicing mediums. Esi’s portraits are tangible proof of survival of life through spirit. As a person with a Chemistry degree, I would go so far as to say that Esi provides “scientific proof” of spirit since it is impossible for Esi to know that someone would have a photo to match Esi’s drawn portraits. Esi’s demonstrations are a treasure not to be missed.
Pamela Carvel- New York (Oct. 15, 2006)

B. B.- London, UK (May 12, 2005)
While I recognize and value the spiritual aspect of our existence as human beings, and although I have always accepted that there are phenomena that science could not explain, I have never been enthusiastic about “communicating with spirits". However, I am still at awe about the following events.
Once, as we were in the company of a friend of mine, Esi said she was receiving a message for me. The message turned out to be from my deceased father, with loving and heart warming words. At the same time she started drawing the portrait of a man who in some ways did look like my father, but the bow tie was so uncharacteristic.
The most formal dress he wore, as far as I could remember, was a suit with a tie. “If he were to present himself in the most recognizable way, he should have worn something on his head--his French style beret outside, or a cap at home, which he took to wearing as his hair was thinning out in his old age!” I said.
A few months later, when my friend visited my sister in my family home, my sister showed her my parents’ wedding photograph, which I had long forgotten about. There was my dad wearing a bow tie!
B. B.- London, UK (May 12, 2005)

İlknur Levent Tunç- İstanbul, Turkey (Feb. 28, 2005)
It is always far too soon to loose a loved one. It is far more painful especially if you did not know the circumstances in which the person you loved dearly lost his life.
It was through Esi that the final moments of my dear cousin I found out about and it was this information made it easier for me to bear it.
Esi changed my whole outlook for death and dying. I now know that we only shed the body and our spirit lives on. I also now know through experience that they are with us when and if we need them.
Esi is a very special person in every way. Even more so with the work she is doing to spread this truth of survival. She provides communication with the people we thought we lost forever.
Through her Hypnotherapy and Regression work, she is also helping and encouraging us all to accept our own responsibility for our own lives and face our fears, and fulfill our own potential for our lives.