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14.9.18 OlAtolye, Kucukyali, Istanbul, Turkey

Included are two portraits sketched; one of the portraits sketches during the seminar & the other one below during a private sitting following the seminar.

The portrait below was received during a private sitting with one of the attendants to the seminar. And what an evidence she received! It was half way through that mom, whose drawing it turned out to be, gave the best evidence for her daughter.

As I communicated with the mom, I ‘saw’ her lying down next to her daughter while daughter was asleep. Raised on one arm, mom was reading a book, and turning the pages! I passed on the image to the daughter to inquire if it meant anything to her. Her reaction took me by surprise; she looked at me in disbelief, and said ‘I was wondering what that sound was last night! I said to myself that it could not be possibly be coming from the neighbours!

In other words she heard her mom turning the pages!

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