Hello everyone Writing definitely is not one of my gifts therefore I am a bit slow filling in the stories relating to the portraits! I would like to include their stories not only because they help to explain more about the demonstration but also give amazing insides to’ life after death’. I hope you find them as much interesting and enlightening as I do. I have so far managed to write four of the stories; Anna’s father, Frank Wilkinson, Edith May Wallace and Irene Barton. I will announce them here as I add more in the future. Please click onto the drawings to read their stories. Below is another story from one of my demonstrations. In this case, it does not relate to any of the portraits in my gallery but as you read, you will know why... SHE WAS 19 YEARS OLD Last week, I was at a lecture today given by a well known and respected medium. A lady questioned whether still born children would have spirits and was told that the spirit chooses the person at the moment of conception. I have no knowledge of such details but this reminded me of a demonstration I did at Clapham Spiritualist Church in 2009. I did the portrait of a young woman. She had long hair and had a garland made of fresh flowers on her hair. I am usually given the character of the person first but it was difficult to feel that with her. A lady, sitting alone, was hesitant but said ‘I have a daughter and she looks like her sister’. I was given a name so I asked ‘Who is Sophie?’ She said ‘Her name was Sofia’. I said ‘She tells me that her hand never touched the earth?’ The lady replied ‘Yes, she was still born’!! I then gave her the message from her daughter. She later came to collect the portrait and said Sophia would have been 19 years old if she had lived. Also, hat evening, her husband told her that he wasn’t coming to the church with her but she should come back with a drawing!!!! Obviously, the daughter heard her father’s wish…
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